Additional Options

Option 1: Feeding Downstage Monitors

Downstage Monitors are usually 50-60″ monitors supplied by your Audio-Visual provider. Since the needs of presenters have changed a lot in the last few years, we find that more of our clients prefer this option, often in conjunction with the standard Presidential Prompter system. This allows your presenter to work from both the lectern and walk around the stage when they wish. We come prepared to send a signal to your DSM’s with either an HDMI or a VGA signal from our computers. The DSM approach allows your presenters to be more mobile on the stage, with easy glances at the monitors that are placed at the base of the stage, or in the pit just in front of the stage.

Because of the placement of the monitors, your presenter will be glancing down at the prompter, so this format works best when your presenters are familiar with the material, or are comfortable with prompter in an outline format. This is also the best solution for musicians/singers who want quick access to their lyrics.

Note that we can also provide smaller monitors for placement ON the stage.

We do NOT have the LARGE (>27″) monitors for rent for your DSM’s, and we encourage you to get those from your AV provider.


Option 2: Projection

In many cases where a host or presenter needs to be even more mobile, and cannot conveniently look at Downstage Monitors, we offer a projection option. Watch any awards show and if there is an over-the-shoulder shot of the host, you will frequently see a screen at the back of the theater with the script projected on it for the host to read.

Your Audio Visual provider will include a projection screen hanging above the audience that faces the stage. We will provide the signal and your words will be readily available to you without having to look down a all.